Onboard, Prepare and Activate Data Faster with Pentaho
Increase Productivity
Onboard hundreds of varied on-premises, cloud and edge data sources efficiently and quickly with modern data integration.
Improve Data Pipeline Quality
No-code functionality versus hand-coding data pipelines using an easy drag and drop interface for on-premises and cloud data integration.
Faster Data Delivery
Produce stellar reports with intuitive processes and seamless integration that enhance user experiences, reduce data management costs and create business value.
Cloud Data Integration
Codeless software to easily prepare, build, deploy and analyze all data
Pentaho Delivers Powerful Data Integration and Analytics
Accelerated Data Onboarding
Deliver analytics-ready data with broad connectivity to virtually any data source or application, drag-and-drop interface to create data pipelines and templates that execute edge to cloud.
Flexible Data Self-Service
Powerful transformation engine that offers high-performance capabilities allowing users to easily visualize, blend and connect to data anywhere on-premises or any cloud including Azure, AWS and GCP.
Robust Dataflow Orchestration
Seamlessly switch between native Kettle and Spark engines, operationalize R, Python, Scala and Weka based AI/ML models.
Business Analytics
Deliver analytics in modern data architectures for increased access and adoption.
Embedded Business Analytics
Enhance usability, value and competitive differentiation of information-centric software and packaged applications.
Metadata Injection
Accelerate complex onboarding projects by re-using same transformation for multiple projects.
Understanding Pentaho Data Integration and Analytics
Manage fast-growing volumes, variety, and velocity of data with a data orchestration tool that reduces time and complexity of building and maintaining analytic data pipelines. Use analytics with powerful and cost-effective customized reporting and dashboarding capabilities.
With the power of Pentaho you can rapidly build and deploy data pipelines for end-to-end data integration and analytics at enterprise scale. Integrate data lakes, data warehouses, and devices, and orchestrate data integration flow across all environments.
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"FirstName": "Vorname",
"LastName": "Nachname",
"Email": "Geschäftliche E-Mail",
"Title": "Stellenbezeichnung",
"Company": "Firmenname",
"Address": "Address",
"City": "City",
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"LeadCommentsExtended": "Weitere Informationen (optional)",
"LblCustomField1": "What solution area are you wanting to discuss?",
"ApplicationModern": "Application Modernization",
"InfrastructureModern": "Infrastructure Modernization",
"Other": "Other",
"DataModern": "Data Modernization",
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"GlobalOptionYes": "Ja",
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{ "FirstName" : "Bitte geben Sie einen Vornamen ein.", "LastName" : "Bitte geben Sie einen Nachnamen ein.", "Title" : "Bitte geben Sie eine Stellenbezeichnung ein", "Company" : "Bitte geben Sie einen Firmennamen ein", "City" : "Bitte geben Sie eine Stadt ein", "State" : "Bitte geben Sie einen Staat ein", "Country" : "Bitte geben Sie ein Land ein", "Phone" : "Bitte geben Sie eine Telefonnummer ein", "phoneforForm" : "Bitte geben Sie eine Telefonnummer ein", "Email" : "Geben Sie eine gültige geschäftliche E-Mail-Adresse ein" }
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