Hitachi Spotlight Awards 2021 | Hitachi Vantara

Hitachi Spotlight Awards 2021

Recognizing organizations that are transforming in new and innovative ways with the support of Hitachi solutions.

Helping our customers turn their innovative ideas into reality. From saving rainforests to overhauling a car manufacturing floor into a PPE factory during a pandemic and making research data easily accessible to the medical community to advance medicine, our customers are leading innovation no matter how unprecedented the challenge is.

This is why we are proud to recognize our customers who share our values at the Hitachi Social Innovation Forum, with a Spotlight Award.

And the winners are…

Winner: Delta Flight Products

Creating Together

Delta Flight Products (DFP) has worked with the Systems Products Division of Hitachi High-Tech America, Inc. to develop the first wireless in-flight entertainment (IFE) tablet for Delta Air Lines. Made possible by teamwork and a shared spirit of innovation, Delta provides an exceptional customer experience with more entertainment choices while also reducing its overall system weight by around a pound per seat, which means less CO2 emissions and a more sustainable flight.

Precision Drilling

Winner: Disney Parks

Data-Driven Insights

Disney Parks: Powering “The Most Magical Place on Earth,” Disney Parks is continually innovating through experiential park attractions and guest experiences that use data to drive predictive maintenance. With the help of the Lumada platform, Disney leverages real-time and predictive insights about an attraction’s operations and generates immediate alerts for service engineers, enabling them to address needs, facilitate maintenance and ensure that attractions are running as efficiently as possible. Disney is using real-time insights and data-driven operational intelligence for predictive maintenance to reduce operational costs, shrink maintenance windows, and increase attraction availability for great guest experiences.

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Optimise Prime

Winner: General Motors

Social Innovation

With the onset of COVID-19 and a severe shortage of personal protective equipment and face masks, GM (General Motors) raced to action and launched a rapid-response project to rev up mask production. In partnership with JR Automation, a Hitachi Group Company, GM designed an end-to-end PPE production line, sourced and repurposed supplies, and transformed a GM cleanroom into a mask factory within a record-breaking six days. The combined effort and innovation between leadership, engineers and employee volunteers, led to producing life-saving masks at scale, to essential healthcare workers in the fight against a global pandemic.

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Dai-Ichi Life

Winner: Rabobank

Infrastructure Innovation and Modernization

Consumers expect banking services to be available online, 24/7. Rabobank’s 9.6 million customers in 38 countries are no exception. By leveraging Hitachi solutions, Rabobank met these expectations, even during the pandemic, when online transactions increased exponentially. When the number of home-workers suddenly increased from a few hundred to up to 30,000 per day, Rabobank was able to adapt and support its workers without disruption. This allowed Rabobank to continue delivering on its sustainability goals in the Food & Agriculture sector and focus on the well-being and prosperity in communities where the bank is active.

Optimise Prime

Winner: Rainforest Connection

Environmental Sustainability

Since 2012, Rainforest Connection (RFCx) has been building the first and only platform to collect and analyze real-time ecoacoustic data to understand large-scale biodiversity trends and alert rangers to sounds of threats of illegal logging, poaching, and mining. Hitachi Vantara has built original predictive analytics algorithms based on Rainforest Connection’s data. Using Lumada software, Hitachi Vantara helped Rainforest Connection to predict – rather than just detect – illegal loggers, giving forest rangers up to five days earlier notice on deforestation activity.

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Hitachi Honorable Mentions 2021

Honorable Mention: Celepar (Paraná Information and Communications Technology Company)

Infrastructure Innovation and Modernization

Celepar is focused on providing digital solutions for society, transforming the State of Parana into a streamlined, intuitive, digital service provider through optimizing processes. Celepar is responsible for many essential public applications and with increasing demand for digital services, they leveraged Hitachi solutions to modernize its infrastructure. Enabling cost savings, footprint reduction, better response times and optimizing their services for citizens of Paraná.

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Honorable Mention: Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust Healthcare

Social Innovation

When healthcare becomes data-driven, hospitals can provide their staff with real-time insights about patient admissions, patient health, and the availability of beds and surgical facilities. To realize this vision for its staff and patients, Salford Royal Hospital and Hitachi co-produced and designed the Digital Control Centre (DCC), a technology platform that helps staff accurately predict demand; provides insights on resource availability and discharge planning; and enables better decision making about integrated care to reduce delays in patients’ visits.

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Precision Drilling

Honorable Mention: Swisscom Business Customers

Data Driven Insights

Swisscom Business Customers, part of Switzerland’s largest telecommunications and one of its leading IT services provider, is leveraging Hitachi to improve customer service by centralizing the company’s vast amounts of data into a single view. Now, instead of needing to check multiple data sources for a single request, customer service representatives have all the data they need at their fingertips.

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Precision Drilling

Honorable Mention: Termocandelaria S.C.A. E.S.P., subsidiary of Termocandelaria Power Limited (TPL)

Creating Together

A leading electric generation company aimed at contributing to stronger, smarter and greener grids, powers good through improving the quality of life of people around the world through pioneering technologies that support social, environmental and economic values. Termocandelaria is a critical asset in Colombia and the Atlantic Cost and generates power that contributes to its economic growth and development. Due to a severe drought and impending rainy season, the region needed critical and reliable energy generation. As a result, Termocandelaria partnered with Hitachi ABB Power Grids and delivered energy for the region despite the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through a commitment with Hitachi for sustainable development, the companies are driving a sustainable energy future and creating together.

Precision Drilling

Honorable Mention: Workhorse Group, Inc.

Environmental Sustainability

A technology company focused on providing drone-integrated, electric vehicles to the last-mile delivery sector. As an American, original equipment manufacturer, they design and build high performance, battery-electric vehicles, including trucks and aircrafts. Workhorse also develops cloud-based, real-time telematics performance monitoring systems that are fully integrated with their vehicles and enable fleet operators to optimize energy and route efficiency. All Workhorse vehicles are designed to make the movement of people and goods more efficient, and less harmful to the environment.

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Precision Drilling
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